The Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF), which conducts the prestigious science examination, National Science Olympiad (NSO), announced the results for the 13th National Science Olympiad (NSO) Examinations on January 22, 2011. The 13th National Science Olympiad examinations (first level) was conducted on November 19, 2010. The results for the 13th National Science Olympiad (NSO) is now available on the official website of Science Olympiad Foundation
Candidates who have been appeared for the National Science Olympiad (NSO) examinations of the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF), can get their results now by following the link given below and entering their Roll number.
The National Science Olympiad (NSO) is considered as one of the most prestigious science competitive examinations for school students from the classes 2-12. The NSO examination is conducted by the government of India every year.
National Science Olympiad is a highly motivating and rigorous aptitude competition which encourages students to learn important subjects like Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science and Mental Ability.