Bharat Heavy Electronics Limited (BHEL) Ranipet, is going to announce the written exam results for the recruitment of Artisans shortly. The Written Exam for the recruitment of Artisans, was conducted on December 5th, 2010.
The BHEL Ranipet will publish the Roll Number of candidates who cleared the Written Test, in their Official website along with their Personal Interview dates. So, if you’re waiting for your Written Examination result for the recruitment of Artisans, then keep visiting the following link.
About Bharat Heavy Electronics Limited (BHEL):
BHEL is India’s premier Navratna engineering organization which provides world-class products and services in power, transportation, transmission and electronics sectors. BHEL has 14 Manufacturing Divisions, 4 Power Sector Regional Centres, 8 Service Centres, 18 Regional Offices and a large number of Project sites spread all over India and abroad.