Chandigarh Police Department today announced the Written Examination Test Results 2010 which was held on November 14, 2010 for the post of Constables. The Results of Written Test held on 14.11.2010 for the 1200 posts of Constables for the Chandigarh Police Department is available in their official website.

Chandigarh Police Chandigarh Police Recruitment Written Exam Results November 2010

If you have written the examination for the recruitment of head constables and if you’re looking for the results visit the link given below to get your results.

To make your work easier, here are the separate links of results.

Visit the following link for General Female candidate results:

Visit the following link for General Male candidate results:

Visit the following link for OBC Female results:

Visit the following link for OBC Male results:

Visit the following link for SC Male results:

Visit the following link for SC Female results:

Visit the following link for Ex-Servicemen results:

About Chandigarh Police:

Chandigarh Police has been playing a key role in keeping the city Beautiful-Chandigarh a role model city as was dreamt by its planner Le-Corbusier. Though he planned the city for only 5,00,000 people, but today its population has crossed those limits but the police force remains lesser in number. In order to keep pace with the growing needs of the city. Chandigarh Police has taken many steps, which have been taken in other foreign countries.
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