Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha (DBHPS), Chennai a Hindi movement which runs all over the India, today March 8, 2011 announced the results for the DBHPS Chennai Examinations. The Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha, Chennai results for the year 2011 is now available online on its official website http://www.dbhpsabha.org/.
Candidates who have been appeared for the Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha (DBHPS) Chennai, can get their results now by following the link given below and entering their Exam Hall ticker number.
About Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha (DBHPS)
‘Hindi Prachar Sabha’ was a movement that emerged as part of Freedom Movement and the leaders who led the nation to ‘FREE INDIA’ felt the necessity of making a single Indian Language the National Language,and through that language unify the people and thereby intensify National Integration.
The Hindi movement in south India was started in the year 1918 by Mahatma Gandhi. The movement was inagurated by Dr.Besant under the presidentship at Gokhale Hall,Madras. The first Hindi class was started by Sri Devedasa Gandhi. Hindi Training Schools were started in Andhra and Tamilnad in which young men numbering multiplied 80 were trained in the year 1919 and 190. this number multiplied itself slowly and steadily, and to-day the movement can claim more than 7000 workers working in 6000 centres, covering the entire area of the four linguistic regions, viz. Tamilnad, Andhra, Keral and Karnatak, with an area of six and a half lakhs of sq. Kilometers with a population of about 120 millions.