Gujarat Technological University (GTU), a prestigious educational institute which is located in the state of Gujarat, yesterday announced the results for the Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) 3rd semester examinations. The 3rd semester Regular and Remedial Examination Results of Gujarat Technological University (GTU) is now available on its official website
Gujarat Technological University B.E. Result 2010 GTU BE Sem 3rd Regular and Remedial Exam Result Dec 2010

Candidates who have been appeared for the 3rd semester examinations of the Gujarat Technological University which were held during the month of December 2010, can get their results now by following the link below and entering their roll number.

About Gujarat Technological University (GTU)

Gujarat Technological University is established by an act of Gujarat Legislature (Gujarat Act No. 20 of 2007).

The Objectives of the University shall be to develop the knowledge of science, engineering technology management and environment for the advancement of quality of life of the mankind in general and in relation to the domain of engineering and technological development and applications.
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