Indian Business School (IBS) Hyderabad, which conducts the IBSAT for admission into the MBA/ Executive MBA/Ph.D. Programs, today March 9, 2011 announced the results for the IBSAT Selection process 2011 results. The IBSAT Selection process 2011 results of the Indian Business School (IBS) Hyderabad is now available online on its official website
Candidates who have been appeared for the IBSAT 2011 examinations which were held during December 26, 2011 under the Indian Business School (IBS) Hyderabad, can get their results now by following the link given below and entering their admit card number and date of birth.
All the applicants seeking admission into the MBA/ Executive MBA/Ph.D. Programs have to appear for IBSAT 2010. IBSAT is an Aptitude Test. IBSAT is of two hours duration and consists of multiple choice questions. IBSAT will be held on December 26, 2010 at 10 a.m. at several Test Centers all over India.