Karnataka State Women’s University (KSWU), a premier educational institute which is functioning solely for the perfect Womenland in Bijapur, Karnataka, yesterday announced the results for the B.A. Final semester and B.Com Semester III Examinations. The B.A. and B.Com Exam Results of the Karnataka State Women’s University is now available on its official website http://www.kswubij.ac.in/.
Candidates who have been appeared for the B.A. Final semester and B.Com third semester examinations of the Karnataka State Women’s University, can get their results now by following the link given below and entering their roll number.
About Karnataka State Women’s University (KSWU)
The Karnataka State Women’s University, Bijapur, established in August 2003 is the only university in the state of Karnataka, India., which is devoted exclusively for women’s education. The university is dedicated to promote excellence through academic achievement, research, creativity, innovation, interaction and collaboration, personality development and leadership qualities.
The main focus is on empowerment of women through education, especially higher education and training. The university is situated in Bijapur district and all women’s colleges in 12 northern districts of Karnataka many of which are amongst the poor and backward districts of Karnataka, are affiliated to it. The location of the university in Bijapur is aimed towards alleviating regional disparities in the state of Karnataka