Karunya University, a premier autonomous Education institute located in the District of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu today announced the results for the various examinations which were held during the month of December, 2010. The Karunya University, December Examination results are now available online on their official website http://www.karunya.edu/.
Karunya University Karunya University Exam Results December 2010

Candidates who have been appeared for the various examinations of the Karunya University, during the month of December, 2010 can get their results by following the link given below.

About Karunya University

Karunya University (formerly Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences) is a fully residential Christian private university located in Coimbatore. It was founded as a Christian minority institution by late Dr. D. G. S. Dhinakaran, his son Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Christian evangelists and founders of Jesus Calls Ministries, India.

In 1981, Dr. D. G. S. Dhinakaran, Received a divine commission, embarked on the path to start a technical university. The institute was inaugurated on 4 October 1986 as Karunya Institute of Technology by Arjun Singh, the former Human Resources and Development (HRD) minister in the Indian government. The institute was then affiliated to Bharathiar University in Coimbatore and functioned as a private self-financing engineering college. It was promoted by the Karunya Educational Trust. In 2004, the institute was awarded university status in recognition of its academic excellence by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India and subsequently renamed as Karunya University under sec. 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 vide Notification No. 9-3-2000-U3 dt. 23.6.2004 of the Government of India
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