The Madhya Pradesh Police Department, which governs all the judicial and criminal activities in the state of MP, has announced the results of the recruitment examinations for the post of Head Constable (Radio), Constable (Radio), Driver and Tradesman. The 2011 recruitment examination results of MP police department is now available online on its official website
Madhya Pradesh Police Recruitment Result Madhya Pradesh Police Recruitment Results 2010 11

Candidates who have been appeared in the recruitment examinations of Madhya Pradesh Police Department for the post of Head Constable (Radio), Constable (Radio), Driver and Tradesman, can get their results now by following the link given below.

About Madhya Pradesh Police Department

Madhya Pradesh, in its present form, came Click Here Madhya Pradesh Map ( into existence on November 1,2000 following its bifurcation to create a new state of Chhattisgarh.Reorganization of states led to the formation of state of M. P. on 1.11.1956 comprising of the erstwhile central province of Bhopal, Madhya Bharat & Vindhya Pradesh.

On the day of its birth the state had a complement of 252 Gazetted Officers and 39785 Non Gazetted Officers and men covering 739 Police Station. Six posts of DIG were created in the new state. The post of DIG of Police SAF & DIG of Police Admin.were added later in 1958 & 1959 respectively.23 new police stations were established mainly in the dacoit infested areas as part of a larger scheme to strike a decisive blow to organize and arrested dacoit gangs. Strength of the Distt. Executive Force & the SAF were augmented, keeping in view the law and order situation with the State.
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