Narayana Group of Educational Institutions, a premier educational institute located in the state of Andhra Pradesh, has announced the Scholarship test results today which were conducted on January 9, 2011. The Scholarship test results of the Narayana Group of Educational Institutions, is now available on their official website
Candidates who have been appeared for the Scholarship tests of the Narayana Group of Educational Institutions on January 9, 2011, can get their results now by following the link given below.
About Narayana Group of Educational Institutions
“The NARAYANA inspires the aspirants, so the creative minds destinate towards the NARAYANA’’
We NARAYANA EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS is one of the best education providers in India from the pre-primary to professional post graduation, have been successful in an uninterrupted and dedicated task i.e. Perfectly shaping worthy leaders of India as good doctors, good engineers, good human beings and professionally competent citizens. We proudly accept that ocean of parents dreams came into reality by our uncompromising education system, which is taken up for the cause of educating young minds. “Educate to elevate and Inspire to awake” i.e. our conviction. So it is established education with unlimited resources, evolving ingenious methods, outstanding teaching techniques for the aspirants with zeal of learning. “Learning starts before the age of 5 years-develop physically, intellectually, socially, environmentally”…… So we created and evolved the best environment for the creative young minds by inspiring to achieve their goals. “Teaching and training students is an outstanding technique” but motivating and inspiring them is a hi-technique. It is our strong pillars with commitment. Our experienced faculty focuses on imparting invaluable knowledge through sharp and shortcut methods and inspires the student to put their maximum capabilities to complete the given task devotionally. The secret leads us and our students for a successful career.