Periyar University, a premier educational institute located in the state of Tamil Nadu today announced the results for the supplementary examinations which were held during the month of August, 2010. The Supplementary Exam Results 2010 of the Periyar university is now available on its official website
Candidates who have been appeared for the Supplementary Examinations of Periyar University during the Month of August, 2010, can get their results now by following the link given below.
About Periyar University
The Periyar University was established by the Act 45 of Government of Tamilnadu in 1997. The University is named after a renowned social reformer popularly called “Thanthai Periyar”. The University thus established had its origin with the three departments (Commerce, Geology and Mathematics) of Postgraduate extension center of Madras University functioning at Salem at that time. The University Grants Commissions, New Delhi bestowed the 2f status on 09.10.1998 and 12(B) status on 17.05.2005 to the Periyar University. The university is certified accrediated with NAAC.