The University of Burdwan, one of the prominent university in the state of West Bengal, today announced the results for the Bachelor of Arts (B.A) 2010 part I & II Hons & General examinations. You can check the results for these above courses in their official website.
If you’re a candidate of the University of Burdwan, and you’re waiting for your B.A. examination result, you can get your results either by entering your roll number or college code in the link given below.
About the University of Burdwan
Burdwan University started on 15th June, 1960, with Sukumar Sen, an ICS, as its first Vice-chancellor. It was after the abolition of the Zamindari system in the fifties that Uday Chand Mahtab, the last representative of the Burdwan Raj, showed his magnanimity in leaving almost his entire property of Burdwan at the disposal of the state government. This, coupled with the initiative of the then Chief Minister of West Bengal, Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, facilitated the establishment of this university. Presently, the administrative works are mostly done at Rajbati (the palace of Barddhamana Maharaja) campus; on the other hand, academic activities center around the Golapbag campus mainly.
The university is now in a position to offer courses on diverse disciplines. These include physical education, B.Ed., foreign languages, computer applications, population education, etc. There are also an Adult Continuing Education Center and the Academic Staff College. The university has a museum and art gallery at Rajbati that displays even the pottery of prehistoric age.
The university has its Distance Education wing imparting Post-graduate education in different subjects as well as in some professional courses at Under-graduate level.