Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), which governs the recruitment for all the Government related jobs, has announced the Results for the Indian Forest Service (IFS). The written exam results of the Indian Forest Service Examination is now available on UPSC official website.
Candidates who have written the examination for the Indian Forest Service (IFS), under the Union Public service commission (UPSC), can get their results using the link given below.
About Indian Forest Service (IFS)
India is one of the First countries in the world to have stated scientific management of its forests. During the year 1864 the then British India Government started the Imperial Forest Department and appointed Dr. Dietrich Brandis, a German Forest officer Inspector General of Forests in 1866. Having recognized the need to have a premier forest service to mange the varied natural resources of the vast country and to organize the affairs of the Imperial Forest Department, Imperial Forest Service was constituted in 1867.
Having realized the importance of a multi-tier forest Administration in the federal and provincial Governments for effective management of forest resources the British India Government also constituted Provincial Forest Service and Executive & Subordinate Services, which were quite similar to the present day forest administrative hierarchy.